Baldurs gate 3 nexus
Baldurs gate 3 nexus


It was also impossible to enter or exit the city, or even observe it, via spell, magic item, or any creature's innate abilities. It was impossible to walk into and out of Sigil from the Outlands or any other location. Most sages agreed that, since the multiverse was infinite, there was no true center, but nevertheless Sigil was generally acknowledged as one of the most important places in the multiverse. Cosmography Īccording to its own inhabitants, Sigil's central position in the Outlands, at equal distance from the each of the gate-towns that led to the Outer Planes, put the city itself at the center of the planes, at least according to some interpretations of the Great Wheel cosmology. After it rained, the city air cleared out for a while, with light breezes and a pleasant cool temperature. When it rained, it was common for the water to mix with the walls' and the air's impurities and turn to a brown drizzle. The haze from the city's myriad chimneys was a near constant, often reducing visibility to about 10 yards (9.1 meters), or even down to 5 feet (1.5 meters) in the worst cases. Weather on Sigil alternated between foul-smelling smog, frequent chilly rains, and somewhat clear weather. Stone gargoyles were also typical decorations. Sigil's architecture was marked by its iron spikes and bladed fences, serving both as protection against intruders and as a stylistic choice. New buildings, courtyards, and streets were constantly being built, changing the city's landscape and turning old structures into underground crypts.

baldurs gate 3 nexus

The city was crowded with buildings that squeezed over each other with very small living spaces. Ī dragonborn appreciating the architecture of the City of Doors. Clocks in Sigil did not have numbers and were marked with 24 1-hour segments, with the daytime hours and peak on top and night hours and antipeak at the bottom. During the six darkest hours of the cycle, light coming from lanterns on the opposite side of the ring gave an illusion of a sky filled with stars. to 3 a.p., so even creatures that were sensitive to bright light were comfortable in Sigil most of the time.


The equivalent of full daylight only lasted for about 6 hours, from 3 b.p. As a result, most of the time the city was illuminated only by a hazy twilight. Time was measured by counting down the hours before peak ( b.p.) and incrementing them after peak ( a.p.). The brightest moment in the cycle was referred to as "peak" and the darkest point was referred to as "antipeak". The city was kept lit by an intrinsic luminescence of its air, which waxed and waned creating the appearance of a 24-hour day-night cycle. Īs a result of this unique geometry, Sigil had no sky.

baldurs gate 3 nexus

Those who jumped over the edge disappeared into a random plane. Those who did reported that there was nothing to see beyond the edge―not empty space or a vacuum, but nothing at all.


The edges of the ring were lined with solid buildings that had no windows outside, so the only way to try to see what lay beyond the edge was to climb a rooftop. If one looked up, the far side was visible, as the gentle curvature caused any point in the city to resemble the bottom of a valley. Even though it was not a completely closed surface, it was impossible to see outside of the ring from any point within the city. For that reason, the city was recursive only in one direction, along its major circumference. The city did not fill the entire inner surface of the torus, but just the outer portion of the ring. Although they varied wildly, one of the more popular explanations posited that the Lady of Pain was behind the city's existence and properties. There were many hypotheses that tried to explain Sigil's location and existence. Although all magic was completely impeded at the center of the Outlands, it worked normally within Sigil, with the exception of spells that involved planar travel. The city's location and geometry was considered by most sages, in particular the inhabitants of the Material Plane, to be impossible. Ī view of the Spire and Sigil from the Outlands. Despite these attempts at measurement, the city did not have a fixed size and its dimensions could be changed at will by the Lady of Pain. Later measurements put the primary diameter at approximately 6.4 miles (10 kilometers), with the same circumference as the Harmonium's measurements, and a secondary diameter―the ring's thickness―of approximately 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers). According to official measurements by the Harmonium, the city's primary diameter―that is, the ring's diameter―was 5 miles (8 kilometers), with a circumference of 20 miles (32 kilometers). Sigil was shaped like the inside of a torus.

baldurs gate 3 nexus

From the Outlands, it was possible to see Sigil hovering atop the Spire as the mountaintop vanished into nothingness.

baldurs gate 3 nexus

Sigil was located in the Outlands, hovering above the immensely tall landmark known as the Spire that stood at the plane's center.

Baldurs gate 3 nexus